Make a Great First Impression in Life Sciences
The secret to making a great first impression does not mean changing your entire interview process. The difference between a bad first interview and a great first interview lies in four simple tips that will leave a lasting impression.

What Interviewers are looking for?
In the Life Sciences and Medical Devices industries, the Interviewer is looking for someone who can keep operations running smoothly. They need individuals with the skills necessary for a medical environment, and the cultural fit to blend in. Their main key focus is on how you can contribute to the productivity of the company. Meeting all questions with enthusiasm, elaborating on how you can contribute to their mission, and maintaining great body language all contribute to your ability to make a positive impact.
Make a Great First Impression in Life Sciences and Medical Interviews
Following these key tips will help you to make a great first impression and establish a genuine connection with the interviewer.
Make eye contact
Pay attention to your body gesture
Leave Your Worries at the Lab Door
Be honest in your interest in health
Maintain Eye Contact
We all know that the key to genuine human connection is direct eye contact. Lack of eye contact raises concerns about trust and confidence. Candidates may inadvertently give the impression of deceit or uncertainty if they avoid eye contact. If you find yourself looking away during the interview, gradually shift your attention back to the interviewer, then gauge their body language to see how your answers are being received.
Pay attention to your body gesture
According to research, 55% of messages processed by the brain are based on body language. This means that more than half of what you communicate in a first impression is not conveyed through words alone. Demonstrating great body language in life sciences and medical devices interviews means appearing open and honest while remaining attentive to the interviewer. Maintain eye contact, ensure your body is positioned toward the interviewer to show engagement, and avoid negative body language such as crossed arms, looking away, or excessive blinking. Blinking too often (more than 70 times per minute) can indicate that you are stressed and unsure of the correct answer.
Leave Your Worries at the Lab Door
In the dynamic world of life sciences and medical devices, things do not always go according to plan. However, to make a great first impression in an interview, it is essential to leave all negative or reactive feelings at the door. No matter what challenges you have faced before the interview, the moment you enter the interview room, be positive, enthusiastic, and focused on how you can contribute to advancing
healthcare and medical technology. Therefore, strive to maintain a positive and proactive attitude throughout the interview.
Be honest in your interest in health
People in this category value meaningful relationships and immediately recognize them as authentic. Not knowing the facts can create doubts about your ability to bring innovation to the table. To prevent this, just be yourself. Let your passion for health and medical technology shine through in your answers. Allow your interest to show as you discuss topics that really interest you. When you express your genuine interest in improving healthcare, you build a strong rapport with interviewers and make first impressions memorable.
In the end, getting your first impression in the life sciences and medical devices requires eye contact, paying attention to your body gestures, leaving your worries at the lab door, and being honest about your interest in health.

How to get more job interviews
Following these tips is sure to make a great first impression at the initial interview in the life sciences and medical devices. If you’re struggling to get job interviews, there are many small changes you can make to format your resume for success. Once your resume is ready for the job, apply for the position.