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In Demand Jobs in May Amongst Coronavirus

May 11, 2020

2 min read

The US job market has been dramatically affected by the Coronavirus with a total of 20.6 million reported job losses since mid-March. The number of layoffs started to increase above the norm in between February and March, after which numbers started to skyrocket. While observing the job market on a weekly basis, here’s a visual look at the past two years of unemployment.

Unemployment graph indicating a massive spike in unemployment in April.

Civilian unemployment rate, seasonally adjusted - U.S. Bureau of Statistics

The unemployment rate has increased by 11.1% year over year which is primarily a reflection of the COVID-19 pandemic. Major companies are continuing to release statements of mass layoffs this week including AirBnb and Uber.

  1. AirBnB cuts 25% of their workforce – incl. 1900 jobs (source: Forbes)

  2. Uber to lay off 14% of staff (source: CNN)

With constant updates in the media about job loss and unemployment, there are still companies that are hiring in the US. In our experience there are clients that have paused or delayed their hiring efforts, while others are immediately hiring full-time positions. Here are some of the top positions that are still hiring in our industry.

Quality Managers

More than ever companies are looking to enhance their quality control. We’re seeing high demand in Food and Beverage, Packaging, and Logistics for these key players. Bonus: many of these positions are hiring full-time – not temporary relief.

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Maintenance Workers – All Levels

As production increases, so does the need for repair and troubleshooting. These maintenance positions are currently available:

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Sanitation Positions

Similar to Quality, Sanitation has been a significant role in demand in the last quarter.

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Our jobs are updated daily. If you want to be considered for any position that matches your experience, submit your resume.

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